Discovery Gold Rush Get Your Cut Sweepstakes (

Discovery Channel announced the Gold Rush Get Your Cut Sweepstakes during the premiere of the 7th season on Friday, October 14th. Starting on October 21st, watch an all-new episode for the secret code then enter online at for a chance to take home a cut of the gold.
One very lucky viewer will take home up to $90,000 in cash. In addition, a new winner will receive a $100 Gold Rush-themed prize pack each week during the season.
Entry Form | Official Rules | How To Enter? | Secret Code
Discovery Gold Rush Get Your Cut Sweepstakes: A Few Things To Know
Participation into the Discovery Gold Rush Get Your Cut Sweepstakes is offered only to legal U.S. residents. Additionally, all participants must be the age of 18 and older at the time of entry.
The Sweepstakes consists of 19 Weekly Entry Periods running from 9:00 PM Eastern Time on October 21, 2016 through 3:00 AM ET on March 4, 2017. Each Weekly Entry Period begins at 9:00 PM ET on Friday and end at 8:59 PM ET the following Friday, except for the Entry Period which begins at 9:00 PM ET on December 16, 2017 (will not end until 8:59 PM ET on December 30, 2017) and the Entry Period which begins at 9:00 PM ET on March 3, 2017 (will end at 3:00 AM ET on March 4, 2017). No more than one entry per participant will be accepted during each Weekly Entry Period.
Grand Prize winner will be selected during a random drawing from among all eligible entries received during the Sweepstakes Period, on or about March 6, 2017.
For a winners’ list, mail a self-addressed, stamped envelope to “Get Your Cut” Winner List, PMI Station, PO Box 750, Southbury, CT 06488-0750. All requests must be received by April 15, 2017
Enter The Secret Code At
Watch Gold Rush each week starting on Friday, October 21st for the secret code. A new code will be displayed onscreen every Friday so keep watching all season long.
Then, when you spotted the code, go online to to enter the Discovery Channel Gold Rush Get Your Cut Sweepstakes. Follow the instructions to complete and submit the registration, including the secret code, to be entered.
For complete details, including Official Rules, visit
Tags: code word, Discovery Channel Sweepstakes 2016, Gold Rush
Comments (9 Messages)Beverly Woolsey
Beverly Woolsey
Absolutely Love, Love Gold Rush!????????????????
William Dulaney
I am having to see a Psychiatrist because of my Gold Rush addiction.I have NEVER missed an episode since the series began. Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David S
I have never seen the Secret Code on T V after the show. I have to get it off the internet.
connie byers
entry will not take my e-mail and my tv provider not listed
David S
If they are doing weekly drawings according to there rules they say they will announce the winners weekly . but if they do i don’t get those on are broadcast either . Whats up???????????????????
Joan prange
go Parker best Tod this gold rush session
Joan prange
thks God there Parker in this gold rush
Richard M. Pusser
Found no way to enter this week’s code which is 690.16 2-24-17

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Gold total for 01/06/2017 is 340.30