DIY Desperate Landscape Giveaway Sweepstakes 2019

Added on Monday, May 27, 2019 in Cash Sweepstakes, Daily Sweepstakes
DIY Desperate Landscape Giveaway Sweepstakes 2019

DIY Desperate Landscape Giveaway Sweepstakes 2019: Enter the DIY Desperate Landscape Giveaway Sweepstakes 2019 and you could win $50,000 in cash to turn your desperate landscape into a dream yard.

Sweepstakes Entry Form:

Sweepstakes Rules:
Official Rules

The DIY America’s Most Desperate Landscape Giveaway is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. who are 21 years of age or older as of the Promotion start date. The Sweepstakes begins at 9:00 a.m. ET on May 24, 2019 until 5:00 p.m. ET on June 28, 2019. Limit of one (1) entry per eligible person, per day, during the Promotion Period. The grand prize consists of $50,000 awarded in the form of a check or wire transfer. Visit to enter and see Official Rules for details.


Comments (66 Messages)

Lora Fluet
May 10, 2016 6:42

I am entering this amazing sweepstakes offer because I want to have the best looking yard on my rural road. The crab grass and snap dragons and dandelions are taking over my back yard. We host a lot of summertime parties so I’d like to have a beautiful oasis for my guest with an outdoor kitchen for my husband.

May 10, 2016 14:01

there are no official rules anywhere on-line May 10, 2016

May 10, 2016 20:19

tommy price
May 12, 2016 16:15

I wood like to have my garden and yard beautiful again…..thanks

May 14, 2016 14:03

Our yard needs help!!!! That’s all I can say.

Crystal Rule
May 16, 2016 6:35

I have a yard that is in desperate need of a makeover. My husband works so hard at his job by the time he comes home he is too tired to work in the yard. We love to entertain but with the way our yard looks no one likes to come over. We have 3 children 17,11,6 and are looking to adopt. I would love to have an area to enjoy with our growing family and friends. Please help us!

Kathleen Bryant
May 16, 2016 10:15

My son and is wife moved to this lake front area after they were married . They were living in a larger home, it was the home her and her previous husband owned. She sold that home and was able to buy a few homes they all needed some work! She was nice enough to offer us an opportunity to move into one of the homes even though we are not able to afford it !!! They both work afternoons, long hours, so, its hard to get yard work done. Beside the fact that the funds they did have from the sale didn’t last to finish the landscape on lakefront side of their yard . They both are very generous, so, I thought since this opportunity came up, I would hope I could enter for them to get a chance because they really need it !!! Her name is Laura Bryant my son is Bill Bryant, they live on Briggs Lake in Brighton MI 6525 Knox Thank You!!! P.S. I hope to send a pic through the mail with another entry!!!

Donna Smith
May 16, 2016 12:17

I am entering this sweepstakes because I love flowers I have always had a pretty yard but since I ended up in a wheelchair I have been unable to have that. I just don’t have the money due to health reason. So I would love nothing more to have the yard of my dreams. so I can sit outside and breath the air again.

Corinne McNamara
May 16, 2016 13:01

Would love to have a beautiful backyard! My dream.

Kevin McNamara
May 16, 2016 13:03

I would love to sit outside and enjoy an awesome yard every day.

Pamela Day
May 17, 2016 7:19

We bought a house from family and it needs so much outside work The back yard is a mess big rocks water from outside that leaks into the basement.We love being outside with our four grandchildren but the yard needs more work than we can afford.I would love to win this contest to fix up our horrible back yard.

joyce ferrell
May 17, 2016 10:01

My husband and I have 5 wonderful grandchildren. Would love to do something for everyone of them but right at the moment we pnly have one that is buying his home. He is is a fireman for the West Monroe Fire Department and is in the process of taking an online RN course also works part-time for the ambulance service in that area. He is also getting married October of this year. He is a very busy young man. His home he is buying has a backyard that is in desperate need of landscaping. It is kind of an angle down toward the back door of his home, which causes the rain to run down toward it which has run up under the floor a little during the last flooding rain they had in that area. No real bad damage but it could be possible should it happen again. He also has a tree near his back door which keeps the grass from growing there. He has the desire for a nice patio to help keep his dogs from bringing dirt and mud in. This is his first home and he is 27 years of age. He is really working on doing something with his life and trying to do it the right way. We are very proud of him and would love to see him have the backyard he needs. He has no idea that i am wanting this for him, I would love for him to have this surprise.

sharon stockrahm
May 17, 2016 22:06

My husband has just starting watching the show and loves all things you do !! So entering this sweepstakes offer so he can also have a amazing back yard and it will be the nicest in the neighbor hood and he can be very proud of his yard. We have dandelions and grab grass and moles and tree stumps in the yard where we had to have tress’s cut down the yard is so uneven from the tress’s falling , he is always spraying round up to kill all the different kinds of weeds in the yard and with the mowing the yard is so uneven he is killing the grass .I think this would be a great gift for him to have a amazing yard and we could people over more he loves to cook a lot and loves working on a nice yard . This would be great for him and he would be so proud of his yard . He works a lot so does have time to do a lot of things he would like to do. Please help us in Muncie Indiana !! Hope to see you all soon !!

Suzzanne Babcock
May 20, 2016 7:18

I would love to win this backyard sweepstakes for my husband. He was wounded in Viet Nam and now after 40 some years he is unable to walk very far and do a lot of things. If we had a backyard he could enjoy that would be awesome! We used to have a camp but It just got to be too much for him. A tv, a fire pit and a fence and a water feature would be awesome.

Linda Mascarucci
May 20, 2016 11:46

My front yard is a mess. When it’s monsoon season the yard floods and water flows toward the front and almost comes to the front door.

Stephanie Cooley
May 20, 2016 13:25

I am desperate for help. Single mom, full time job and in an area devastated by drought. I tore out the front of dead dry grass, down to dirt, but now what? I have no idea and very limited funds. My back yard? Burr clover, dandelions, crab grass…Real grass? not so much. HELP !

Lynn Dee Lou Phillips
May 21, 2016 13:44

Well to start. I was a widow for 4 yrs, however have been fortunate to marry the most amazing man. The back yard is in shambles. Between the way he works, sometimes out of town, he doesn’t have the time or energy to do what’s needed. We have a swimming pool that looks like a cement pond. We have frogs, and not as pets either, we prefer dogs. Since hurricane Rita, we have some type of vine that has taken over our yard. We can’t kill it. We need so much help with our yard. Also he loves to cook on the grill, and is pretty good at it. He needs an outdoor kitchen for him to do his magic.

I will send pictures if needed, but it might break the camera.
Help Us
Desperate in Louisiana.

Susan Davis
May 22, 2016 21:59

I desperately need our back yard made over. My husband and I are now retired. We live on social security which doesn’t leave us with any money to fix our back yard. Our patio has moss growing on it. Our stonewall is falling down. We have an invasive plant which I call bamboo coming up along the edges of our yard and is trying to come up in other places in the yard. I have flower gardens that are falling down and need tending to but I have fibromyalgia and arthritis which makes it hard for me to keep them up. I would love to have a good looking yard where I can have friends over but the way it looks now I hate to have them come.

Henrietta Folks
May 24, 2016 17:52

I need a lot of help my back yard having hard time getting grass to grow have alot stomps and trees that need to g

Linda Lancione
May 25, 2016 23:43

My husband passed away in January.He worked so hard in the yard and it was one of the best looking yards on the street. Since he passed I have not been able to pay anyone to do more than cut the grass. It looks very shabby now. I am not physically able to do any of the yard work. I would be very grateful for any help

Neal W
May 26, 2016 8:44

We bought a house 6yrs ago and have tried so many different things to kill all the weeds in our front and back yard. Every year the weeds come back bigger. We would like to sit outside without the weeds taking over, and we are the only house on the block without any shade/trees , we could use the help and ideas! Thank you!

Mike La Sorsa
May 27, 2016 8:37

Love your program. The exterior of my home and yard need a
make over. I live in a groovy part of Austin, I need inspiration and
landscape help.

G Blake
May 27, 2016 10:58

My husband passed away from cancer just three years after we moved into our home. We did some remodeling to the house before he died, but the yard has been left up to me to do something with. I would be so thankful for a professional landscaper to landscape my yard. I hope I can win. Thank You.

May 27, 2016 11:59

my yard needs some major changes

Carol Walters
May 28, 2016 9:37

Our back yard backs up to a green space, and front yard needs a make over for easy care and maintenance. The whole yard needs help!

Terri Paquet
May 28, 2016 18:22

We really need this! Our yard is uneven. The neighbors dog keeps coming over barking at us so, we could put up a fence so we can be able to go in our back yard. I like to have flowers, trees, and bushes to decorate it. You have no idea how much we’d appreciate it.

May 29, 2016 20:47

I desperately need this win. I have this huge yard with over grown trees, broken down fence, over grown greenery. I can see the potential in this yard with the $50.00 win.

Tracy Morgan
May 30, 2016 8:37

I am entering because I have 2 yards that need work. My house that we live in full time my husband has projects started that he hasn’t finished and my house that was left to me by my grandparents I want to fix it up for a weekend home. Please pic me. I really need the help. Thanks.

Debbie Ball
May 30, 2016 9:05

I have to be honest. Today was my first day watching your program and I love it been watching it straight for 2 hours while I am watching my grandma. I am a very busy single mother of 3. So I am always on the go and I dont sit down much. I have a 9k square foot lot and a small house which means my back yard is huge. I want an entertaining back yard so my kids can invite their friends over to hang out and relax. I would also love to have an area for our chickens. I really am not sure where to start. I would love to have someone come in and take over and help to get this project done. Thank you for considering my family…

Debra Toone
May 30, 2016 9:30

My yard is awful, must dig a trench every yr to keep water away from house, horrible fence, no patio, this would be a life changer. Hope we win!

Nell Hooker
Jun 1, 2016 7:19

I would love to have the backyard makeover, and the cash.

April Harper
Jun 1, 2016 12:05

My yard is in terrible shape. Would love to be able to enjoy my backyard. Help!

Bridget Shelly
Jun 1, 2016 12:37

I would love to have my yard landscape redone, My husband I 79 years old and has a progressive Neurologic disease and is unable to maintain the yard as it is, It is ugly and quite dreadful right now.
I’d like the patio extended and a yard that is easier to maintain, something I can manage myself. at 75 years.
Thank you. Bridget.

Mike La Sorsa
Jun 1, 2016 17:58

I’ve seen your program and you perform miracles…….My yard needs a miracle.
Austin is having a wet summer—but I need plants/etc that can tolerate a drought.

Jun 2, 2016 8:23


Danny Berry
Jun 2, 2016 8:27

My back yard is growing faster than I can keep up with.

Mike La Sorsa
Jun 2, 2016 14:05

Need expert help with the Austin TX climate —I want my trees and
plants to thrive over the years…This year lots of rain…so must plant
for next year—-if there’ s a change in the weather.
I would like my yard to be example of xerascape landscapes so
other Austinites will want the same!

Jun 2, 2016 17:51

My yard needs a little help please.

Ron Dowell
Jun 2, 2016 20:10

I have a grand plan for my back yard but right now it is just a jungle with the Nile of a creek washing away more of my property and trees everyday. I would love to use rocks to stop the erosion from taking my property and hillside. I would also love to put in a small putting green and sand trap to practice my golf. After a nice afternoon of golf, it would be nice to have an outdoor kitchen and dining area on my redone porch. It has some issues after so many years with my hot tub covered.

Kristy Welliver
Jun 2, 2016 20:31

We have a non flat yard that needs help! Why do the yard shows only ever do flat yards?

Debra Neverson
Jun 4, 2016 5:40

I am a single woman and Ihave been out of work for over a year and by the grace of God I’ve been fortunate enough to still be in my home. I’ve recently started back working and it has been very difficult for me to keep up with everything. The stress has been overwhelmed and I would love to have a beautiful place I can enjoy and be at peace.

Thank you,

John C.Simmons
Jun 4, 2016 11:30

We watch Yard Crashers as many times as we can locate it, regardless of which host.

Mike La Sorsa
Jun 6, 2016 8:51

Thank you for your inspiring program.
Need expert advice in Austin TX for front yard
and back yard for planting bushes/trees for
Austin’s weather.

jorge franco
Jun 6, 2016 21:45

I love your program specially when you help people to transform their abandoned back yards into a useful part of the house

Robert and Barbara Williams
Jun 11, 2016 7:36

My yard is in desperate need of care since I have to work twelve hour work days. My wife has to work in the house and tend to the garden outside. We need to have our yard landscaped.

Gigi Cardenas
Jun 17, 2016 6:59

My yard is a disaster!!! It is partial swamp partial woods all overgrown and totally useless. I am disabled and can’t afford to get it fixed and unable to physically do the work myself. I so need a yard fairy godmother or genie to come rescue me in Louisiana.

Jul 18, 2016 18:49

I need to have a yard where my children can play and enjoy especially in the summer. they rather spend the day inside because the yard is boring and I don’t blame them. I would love a pool where I can relax after work and actually have pretty flowers and plants around in the yard. help me make this dream come true since it can’t happen with me not working steadily and always having to worry how bills will get paid. at least a nice yard can become a staycation and help with relaxation and family time. thank you

Dec 30, 2016 21:20


Dec 31, 2016 9:17

I work year around to keep yard clean and detailed but grass and landscape looks horrible. Please help!

Peggy Sweeney
May 25, 2018 18:03

I saw the advertisement on HGTV for the landscape sweepstakes and immediately pulled up the entry site. So excited at the thought of the chance to win a useable backyard, my IPad couldn’t keep up with my fingers. I started reading the comments from others that I’m sure, had the same feelings as I did. But … their stories and needs are so much greater the mine, I just can’t enter. I feel that every entry presents one more obstacle in their way of getting something that they may never have without this contest. That being said, best wishes to all those that enter and may the winner be very thankful for HGTV and the opportunity given them.

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