Fuel Up the Family Instant Win Game
Eligibility : Fuel Up the Family Instant Win Game is open to legal residents of the 48 contiguous US & DC 18 and older with a valid email address can play.
Promotion Period : Fuel Up the Family Instant Win Game begins 1/2/09 and end 5/31/09.
There are two (2) Game Periods: Period #1 (1/2/09-3/31/09) & Period #2 (4/1/09-5/31/09).
How To Enter : Go to www.fuelupthefamily.com and follow the instructions to register
Limit : One game play per email address per day
Prize (s):
in Game Period #1 2009 Toyota Prius (AVR $22,000.00)
18 in Game Period #1 and 2 in Game Period #2 – Gas for a year (to be awarded as a $3,000.00 Gas Card) (ARV: $3,000.00)
90 in Game Period #1 and 10 in Game Period #2 – Pizza for a Year (awarded as twenty four (24) coupons to be redeemed for free Red Baron, Freschetta and Tony’s products) (ARV $156.00)
900 in Game Period #1 and 100 in Game Period #2 – Gas Card (ARV $50.00)
Tags: Fuel Up the Family, Fuel Up the Family Instant Win Game, fuelupthefamily, fuelupthefamily.com, www.fuelupthe family.com, www.fuelupthefamily.com
Comments (139 Messages)Alex
vince mangelli
i think that you people are a bunch of jerks to try to fool the public with this phony prius sweepstake promotion…..so i would tell anyone reading this note to stop buying schwan products and if enough of us did it they might wake up and get rid of the moron that thought of this bs idea to get free e-mail addresses…….the ice cream sucks anyway lol
debra brown
i bought two red baron pizzas and went on line to put in the codes.its said invalid.is this a joke or what?lol. my codes or3190092318:34G and3190142319:16G
I enterd my bar code and it says it is invalid the no. is 721180 634 70 this is a big RIP.
I ate the pizza, Red Baron 4 cheese Hearth or something, Friday night.
I entered the info on the site early Saturday and won a $50 gas card.
It couldn’t have been easier- for ME anyway.
I was able to READ and FOLLOW the 3 instructions on the box.
Quit whining and follow the directions.
It is pretty clear that this site, which I only found after winning the $50,
has no connection to the contests it tries to help you with.
Everyone could use a new car, especially something that gets rally good gas mileage.
I don’t think many of you realize this is not a sign up for ‘government cheese’ site, you will not get anything but information from this site- good information at that, and it is not necessary to tell the whole world about all that ails you, nobody cares!
Good luck to those of you who understand!
Pppppppbbbbbttttttttt to the rest of you!
savkov yuri
Good idea to eat and win car.
Teresita Fraser
My UPC # 318353. Congratulations I like Red Baron Pizza!!!!
Hi Karen,
Thanks for your responce—-but you still did not answer my question. I guess my question wasn’t clear. What is the purpose of writing down the SIC code everytime we enter each day. Does it confirm something if we should be so lucky to win? Thanks again, Andy
Minnie Bader
Hey, are you guys real? I don’t kinow how many times I have filled in my address, email address and your security code information and I can’t get to the end of this. When I am finished filling out all this stuff it will not let me out of the program . So….how do I find out where I stand as far as a correct enyry is concerned?
My entry will not go through. I continue to get the message that the UPC code is invalid. What is the problem?
LaDonna Hawkins
Red Baron pizza is delicious. I really could use either of the prizes. Im not picky. Just blessed to be here to enter. THANK YOU!
bob bianchi
Janet LaFlamme
My Birthday is very soon, does anyone really win the car?
Val Martin
I alwayhs p.urchase Red Baron pizza.My upc code is 72180 63469
Gee , I had no problem following the directions, entering the UPC numbers,and the weird code they want..played the game first time! We always buy Red Baron Supreme or Deluxe..It’s really the only kind of Pizza we eat! You kids out there… Pay attention to what you are typing, and ALSO the directions! Your chances of winning may be small ( as in playing the Lotteries), but accuracy counts in just getting into this game…I guess they don’t teach accuracy in school anymore….74 and still learning
Can’t find the place to register the UPC code
What are you talking about I just want to register the UPC number
Are you going to answer my request DO YOU HAVE A 800 number?????????????
This sounds like a rip OFF
Dick Gilpin
Red Baron is great pizza. Have tried them all. UPC code is7218063469.
edmund kavanagh
I love the Freschetta as the edging is so thin. Other companies seem to load up the edging with flour in an attempth to give one a full feeling. I usually top up my Freschetta by adding chopped sausage, bacon and mushrooms and sometimes shrimp and scollops.
I am just learning to cook as my wife has Alzheimers so dressing up the Pizza is exciting and she seems to enjoy it so much. I’m staying with Freschehetta.
josephine roache
the code is 3583474422
Come on, get with the program.
This site, once again, DOES NOT run the sweepstakes!
I ate the pizza, Red Baron 4 cheese Hearth or something, Friday night.
I entered the info on the site early Saturday and won a $50 gas card.
It couldn’t have been easier- for ME anyway.
I was able to READ and FOLLOW the 3 instructions on the box.
Quit whining and follow the directions.
It is pretty clear that this site, which I only found after winning the $50,
has no connection to the contests it tries to help you with.
Everyone could use a new car, especially something that gets really (I had to fix that from the last post to which some of you paid no attention) good gas mileage.
I don’t think many of you realize this is not a sign up for ‘government cheese’ site, you will not get anything but information from this site- good information at that, and it is not necessary to tell the whole world about all that ails you, nobody cares!
Good luck to those of you who understand!
Pppppppbbbbbttttttttt to the rest of you!
I think you have put your finger on exactly what the problem with our education system is, I have been a substitute teacher and the following are my direct observations.
When I was in school we heard “win win win”
My brother only 3 years behind me heard “do your best”
Then it was “as long as you feel good about it it’s OK”
Now it seems to be “don’t hurt their feelings” meaning you can not correct a kid who is doing something wrong.
The public school system, and many private schools as well, has been increasingly failing our country by allowing students to graduate or move to the next grade just so they will not disrupt the class or the teacher for another year.
I have tried several times to enter. As with others, the security code will not go through. NOT A VALID CODE.. TRY AGAIN. How many times must I try. I can read th codes and I enter corrrectly butttttttttt it never goes through. Any suggestions!
Well, after I went to the Fuelupthefamily.com Web site, I had no trouble at all registering and playing the game.
Remember – the UPC code is the number under the bar code. You MUST put in the little zero before the 72180 number etc, AND the little number at the very end (mine was 2). For example: 0 72180 63300 2. I see a lot of people are quoting the Product Identification code and that’s not going to get them anywhere.
Does anyone have an answer to Andy’s question? (below) I’ve entered just the once and I printed out the page with the SIC code on it so I wouldn’t have to write out all those number/letters. Do we only need it if we win?
“Hi Karen,
Thanks for your responce—-but you still did not answer my question. I guess my question wasn’t clear. What is the purpose of writing down the SIC code every time we enter each day. Does it confirm something if we should be so lucky to win? Thanks again, Andy”
Maria Hoffman
I usually serve my family of four pizza once a week and I usually buy 3 pizzas. A Supreme, Pepperoni, and a Cheese. We all have our favorites. This week your pizzas were 3.33 each. Red Baron helps me stay on a budget and the pizza is delicious. This contest is just icing on the cake. I have entered once and I have two other upc’s for two more tries. I will pick up more pizzas from walmart this week.
Thanks Maria
Kim Naugle
I want a Prius
Thomas Ulmer
Upc 7218063018
I think this is a scam to get you to buy nore pizza. No matter how hard I try to find the website to check my UPC number, it never comes up. What up.
i dont think i should have to subcribe to enter!!!!
robert kerth
sendme the gas for year or the car4
I entered this thing and on the first try I won a $50 gift card for pizza. I was surprised as HELL, so yeah, apparently it’s not entirely BS!
How or where does one put in the UPC number, Is this for real?
I won a $50 gas card, got an Email March 8, contest ended May 31. Have not gotten gas card. Know how to contact sweep administrators?
This is all fake. Don’t waste your time.
Do NOT buy RED BARON Pizza–this is all fake and cheating!!
That is easily extracted, with that and parting is easy.
robert jackson
enter me in all the sweepstakes
marty golubow
sweepstakes for fuel up the family? all I get is playing slots or some other vegas game?

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I entered the security code right about a dozen times and it says that ,”it’s invalid.” Waste of my time.