BurtsBees.com/PhotoContest: Submit Your Photo For ABC’s Of Burt’s Bees Baby Photo Contest 2016

Burt’s Bees Baby, the long anticipated extension of the Burt’s Bees brand, recently announced their second annual photo contest at BurtsBees.com/PhotoContest.
This year again, Burt’s Bees Baby is looking for lovely photos of your baby’s sweetest moments for their ABC’s Of Burt’s Bees Baby Photo Contest 2016. Submit your photos now through June 1st and you could have the opportunity to be featured in future promotional materials and events on behalf of Burt’s Bees Baby.
Parents of the Most Buzzed About Baby Bee Winner 2016 will also receive $5,000 in cash, a $2,000 Target gift card and $300 of Burt’s Bees Baby Products.
Submit Your Photo At BurtsBees.com/PhotoContest
ABC’s Of Burt’s Bees Baby Photo Contest 2016 starts on May 1 and will conclude on June 27, 2016. However, please note that the submission period will be held between May 1, 2016 and June 1, 2016 only.
Now through June 1st, participants can visit BurtsBees.com/PhotoContest to enter the Contest. Participants are required to complete and submit the registration form to get started then follow the instructions to select a photo of their baby for a chance to win the grand prize and be named the second annual photo contest winner.
A Voting Phase will take place between June 3 and June 20 where the public will be invited to vote for the Submission they believe has the most public appeal. Starting on June 21, a panel of qualified judges will select the highest-scoring Submission. The potential winner will be notified by email, mail or phone between June 28, 2016 and July 15, 2016.
Who Can Enter The ABC’s Of Burt’s Bees Baby Photo Contest 2016
The ABC’s Of Burt’s Bees Baby Photo Contest 2016 is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Contestants must be 18 years old at the time of entry to enter the Contest. For complete details, including Official Rules, visit www.BurtsBees.com/PhotoContest.
Tags: ABC's Of Baby Bee Photo Contest, www.BurtsBees.com/PhotoContest

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