DIY Ultimate Man Caves Sweepstakes
Eligibility : Open only to legal residents of the U.S. and its territories, possessions and commonwealths who are 18 years of age or older
Promotion Period : Beginning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) on January 24, 2011 until 5:00 p.m. ET on February 25, 2011
Enter at :
Limit : Limit one (1) online entry per valid email address, per eligible person, per day
Prize (s) :
Grand Prize: One (1) Grand Prize Winner will receive Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) (awarded in the form of a check). Total value of Grand Prize: $50,000.00.
Winner List : Beginning on or about March 18, 2011 you may obtain the name of the Grand Prize Winner, either by going to the DIY Website or mailing a SASE to: “DIY’s Ultimate Man Caves Sweepstakes” – Winner’s List, P.O. Box 52916, Knoxville, TN 37950. Requests received after April 8, 2011 will not be honored.
Tags: DIY Ultimate Man Caves Sweepstakes
Comments (6 Messages)teresa goodwin
Brian Kovacik
Hello Mancavers I am writing to you in the hope that I maybe a chosen one. I am a 48 year old ative rugby player. I live in Kalamazoo Michigan were I went to WMU and was the first class to start the WMU club in 1990. I also had stints of coaching the squad as well. Kalamazoo also has a club that returned back in 1998 which I have been off and on till now. In my travels of tours of Europe, Canada and all over the US I have acculated a great collection of memrolibia. I have a basement that is not finished that I would like to have turn into a rugby mancave bar/club house with my memmorbilia. I have a park off my back yard and we play rugby on occasion and it would be a great recruiting tool if we had a place to go after the match. I would do it myself but I can’t find the time and ideas.Too many blows to the head I have watched your program and I like what you do with your projects. Help an old Rugger out
Cheers Mate, Windy
Barbara Mcfadden
I just want to know could you guys come and do me and my husband back yard. Because my husband can not do it because he is ill, my husband is only 47 year old and he can not lift up nothing over fifteen pound. He have britter bones in his neck which they are chiping off, 85 percent of aurthritis over his body. I’m the only one that do the lifting around the house. So I’m asking could you please help us out with our yard.
Thank You so much in advance, and may god bless you as well.
Barbara Mcfadden
Haywood Scott
I would love to have a DIY SWEEPSTAKES winner here at my house.
Millie Owenby
Hello Ultimate Man Caves: My husband and I love watching your show immensely. I am wondering if you could possibly come to Western North Carolina and help me out with a Man Cave for my husband. He was just getting started on it when he was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer that has gone to his liver. He has been on chemo for the past 13 months. He is a very strong man with a very strong spirit. He was a carpenter/cabinet maker by trade. He is 59 years old. We will celebrate our 7th anniversary May 6, 2013. We have a large family and many friends that could come help also. I’m sure you receive lots of requests for help from folks in our situation. His name is Larry. He has a passion for golf. We had a BBQ Catering business (Smoking Pig) until he became ill. He designed and built his own BBQ smoker large enough to hold a 150 lb. whole pig. We would be happy to feed your crew and all who would come to help. Thank you so much for hearing me out. Looking forward to hearing from you. Joy & Peace — Millie Owenby
Trudy Hartness
I wish ya’ll would come to Oklahoma & I could win a man cave for hubby. We have a shed & shop but no cememt floor. He has some tool boxes & big tools in the little shed part but the wood floor is about to cave in, then I don’t know what we will do.He has always wanted a neat shop to work on cars & such, but we both live on disability & have no money to build such a structure. He or I desparately needs your help to be able to do this for him & greatly appreciate winning a man cave for him.

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I’m just wondering why none of you come to indianapolis. Indiana?? Just asking!!