Harry Connick Jr $10K Contest 2018

This February, spread the love and you could win $10,000 during the Harry $10K Contest 2018. To enter, share a selfie of how you watch the Harry Connick JR Show on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #Harry10KContest. Four lucky viewers will be $10,000 richer.
Harry Connick Jr Contest Links
Sweepstakes Entry Form
Official Rules
$10K Contest Rules
- Who Can Enter? The is open only to permanent, legal United States residents who are physically residing in one (1) of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia (excluding Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands and other United States territories), and who are eighteen (18) years of age or older and of the age of majority in their state of residence as of the start of the Contest Period.
- When To Enter? Sweepstakes begins on January 22, 2018 at 9:00 A.M. ET and ends on February 20, 2018 at 9:00 A.M. ET.
- What Is The $10K Contest Prize? The Grand Prize consists of a check for $10,000.
- Who Are The Harry Connick Jr Contest Winners? For the names of the winners, available after February 22, 2018, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to be received by April 22, 2018 to: The Harry Show, Spread the Love Contest, 524 W 57th Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10019, Attn: Sarah Berent.
Tags: Harry Connick JR Show Sweepstakes 2018
Comments (8 Messages)Jennifer Tilford
Lorena Josey
Love looking at Harry Connick show every morning don’t get up until his show comes on, I get my exercise in the morning by dancing to his music back it up, this is my favorite show on tv, I look forward to his show every day.
dawn swettman
i love your show.GOD bless you. i am praying hard to win the 10k. i am66 years young and been fighting throat cancer over 2 years, im poor. i rent a tiny room with my sweet kitties.and today i was told by room mate that the lease is up on v.day and wont be renewed.. me and kitties have no one and no place to go.. i have lost my voice box,cant sing or speak,and i have a hole in my throat to breath.. we will be put into the streets.. we will die. 10k would let me buy a small used rv so me and fuzzies could survive..have a home of sorts.. please help us.. i only get 740.00 a month income from social sec. i have no place to turn to. i keep crying and praying.. please please help us. God bless you
Suzanne King
Harry when your show came on I didn’t know if I would like it. I started watching and I thought it was amazing how many people you help just buy talking to them Can Harry help. Well I’m trying o get in on the action now. Could use the extra money to get out of debt.
Lille Thomas
Just in joy watching your show every evening, I miss the show for a week visiting Tennessee, and didn’t get the channel at the location I stay, Love your show HARRY. GOD bless you!
Hi Harry every evening i watch your show on TV. at 2:00 Mon.- Fri. WHEN I COME HOME FROM WORK .I’M RELAX AND ENJOYING YOUR SHOW .YOU ARE SUCH A REFRESHING TO ME.Thank You.
susan rose
Larry connick is very easy to watch. he seems to be a very down to earth and sincere person. he was good on Law & Order Special victums also. Love Harry.
Your great and I hope you go anther 4 years.. thanks for brightening my day and everyone else’s…

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I watch Harry when preparing materials for my Kindergarten class. LOVE your show!