Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Viral Video Challenge Contest
Eligibility :The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Viral Video Challenge Contest is only open to residents of any of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia, or Canada (excluding Quebec) who are 18 years of age or older at time of entry and who had Internet access as of April 27, 2009.
Promotion Period : The Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Viral Video Challenge Contest will begin at 12:00:01 a.m. Pacific Time (“PT”) on May 7, 2009, and end at 11:59:59 p.m. PT on July 1, 2009 (the “Contest Period”).
How To Enter : During the Contest Period, participants will be asked to visit www.Tigerwoodspgatour.easports.com (“Site”) and follow the instructions tocomplete the registration form. After completing the registration process, participants may upload their video (each, a “Submission”)
Limit : One (1) Submission per person or e-mail address.
Prize (s):
One (1) Grand Prize: $50,000 Prize in the form of a check.
Winners : A winners list will be available at tigerwoodspgatour.easports.com after all winners are determined and verified, and posted for approximately two (2) weeks and is also available by sending a stamped, self addressed envelope to “Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Viral Video Challenge Contest,” Electronic Arts Inc., c/o Marketing Department, 1950 Summit Park Dr., Orlando, FL 32810 for receipt by August 30, 2009.
Tags: ea.com/tiger-contest, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 Viral Video Challenge Contest, Tiger Woods Video Contest, Tiger Woods Viral Video Contest, Tigerwoodspgatour.easports.com, www.ea.com/tiger-contest, www.Tigerwoodspgatour.easports.com

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