Cash Sweepstakes
We have the best cash sweepstakes you can enter to win a cash prize. Some might be ending soon so hurry up and enter to win cash sweepstakes!
Kimberly-Clark Room-A-Day Giveaway III
Win 1 of 16 $25,000 cash prize ! Plus, instantly win 1 of 100 prizes awarded daily! Over $450,000 in prizes !
Cascade Be A Post-Party Pro Sweepstakes
Win up to $5,000 cash or 1 of 26 free 16-count bag of Cascade Complete All-in-1 ActionPacs
Mr.Clean 3X the Cash Sweepstakes
Win up to $3,000 cash or 1 of 91 package of 2 Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Power
Dawn Direct Foam Be WOW!ed Sweepstakes
Win up to $3,000 cash or 1 of 91 13.5 oz. bottle of Dawn Direct Foam
Hershey’s Kisses Wishes With Kisses Brand Contest
Win $10,000 to make your Valentin's Day wish comes true or 1 of 18 $2,300 Visa Gift Card in the Hershey's Kisses Wishes With Kisses Brand Contest !
Making Everything Easier Sweepstakes
Win $5,000 or 1 of 90 great prizes in the instant-win game
GE Switch on the Savings Sweepstakes
Win one year's worth of energy bills up to $2,000 or one of hundreds of other prizes in the GE Switch on the Savings Sweepstakes !
- Monthly Room Makeover Sweepstakes
Win 1 of 3 $10,000 cash prize in the Monthly Room Makeover Sweepstakes !
- $50,000 Auto Show Sweepstakes
Win $50,000 toward a new car on in the $50,000 Auto Show Sweepstakes !
Healthy You Healthy Earth Sweepstakes
Win a $10,000 Green Home Makeover ! Plus, play the Instant-Win game for the chance to win one of over 1,000 prizes including Wii Fit, American Express gift cards and Nature's Bounty Recyclable Tote Bags.
Dollar General Fresh Start New Year Sweepstakes
Win up to $100,000 or 1 of 500 $50 Dollar General Gift Cards in the Dollar General Fresh Start New Year Sweepstakes !
Stride Do us a Favor and Rename our Latest Flavor Contest
Win a check in the amount of $10,000 and a year supply of Stride gum
$5K Every Day Sweepstakes
Enter the $5K Every Day Sweepstakes for a chance to win 1 of 184 $5,000 cash prize !
Play & Win Sweepstakes
Win $100,000 cash. Plus, you could instantly win a Car (or $25,000 cash), a Cruise to the Caribbean (or $12,500 cash), a $1,000 Shopping Spree, BP gas cards, $50 gift certificates and a lot more
Clean Up with Clorox Sweepstakes
Enter the Clean Up with Clorox Sweepstakes for a chance to win $2,500 cash

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