Weekly Entry Sweepstakes
Listing of Weekly Entry Sweepstakes – Sweepstakes that you can enter once a week
Schick And Pitch Perfect Trivia Quiz Sweepstakes (RockYourLegs.com)
Prove your a real Pitch Perfect fan by taking the Pitch Perfect Trivia Quiz each week for six (6) weeks. Perfect score or not, you will still be entered in the sweepstakes and you could win ACA-Awesome prizes!
Pick & Play Sweepstakes At PickAndPlaySweeps.com
Answer this week's Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave question at PickAndPlaySweeps.com for the chance win a Beaches Luxury Included vacation package or 1 of 151 exciting weekly prizes! Tune in for Pick And Play Fridays at 11am through March 26th!
natgeotv.com/WinAlaska – National Geographic Channel’s Ultimate Survival Alaska Sweepstakes
Watch Ultimate Survival Alaska Sundays at 9/8c on National Geographic Channel for the keyword and enter at natgeotv.com/WinAlaska for a chance to win an adventure trip to Alaska with Dallas Seavey!
Off The Map And In the Money Sweepstakes (gactv.com/shannenandholly)
Starting today, watch Off the Map With Shannen & Holly every Friday and look for the special code word then enter at gactv.com/shannenandholly for a chance to win $5,000!
Moonshiners See the ‘Shine Sweepstakes (Discovery.com/SeeTheShine)
Watch Moonshiners Tuesday nights at 9/8c on Discovery Channel for a code word then, enter online at Discovery.com/SeeTheShine for a chance to win a tour of the Limestone Branch Distillery in Lebanon, KY!
WEtv Tamar and Vince Watch & Win Sweepstakes (Secret Code)
Tamar and Vince returns Thursday December 4th on WEtv! Look for the weekly secret code and enter the WEtv Tamar and Vince Watch & Win Sweepstakes for your chance to win!
Operation KC Penguin Rescue Sweepstakes (KidCuisine.com/Penguins) : 5,120 Winners!
Visit KidCuisine.com/Penguins to enter the Operation KC Penguin Rescue Sweepstakes weekly for your chance to win a Spy Glove or a Nabi DreamTab tablet.
Seattle’s Best Coffee #BESTDoorbusters Giveaway (seattlesbestdoorbusters.com) : Hundreds of prizes all month long !
All this month, Seattle's Best Coffee is giving away hundreds of prizes ! Make sure to enter each week for your chance to win !
The Doctors’ Million Dollar Healthy Home Sweepstakes (Code Word) : Win a million-dollar healthy home !
Tune in regularly to The Doctors each week from October 30, 2014 to March 15, 2015 to hear clues then enter online for a chance to win a dream home !
Chomp On Five Grand Sweepstakes (gactv.com/gator) : Look for the code word to enter
Take note of the code word revealed during Growing Up Gator, Fridays at 10|9c then enter the sweepstakes each week for four weeks for your chance to win $5K !
Toys R Us Turtles in Training Sweepstakes – ToysRUs.com/TurtleSweeps : Win a once-in-a-lifetime TMNT experience !
Discover a new Training Clue every Sundays in October at the Teenage Ninja Turtles archway in Toys R Us stores and enter them for a chance to win a trip to Nickelodeon Animation Studios to have your voice included in future Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode !
AMC’s The Walking Dead Dead Carpet Sweepstakes – amc.com/DeadCarpet (Code Words Included)
Watch for the two code words during new episodes of The Walking Dead every Sunday 9/8c and submit them at amc.com/DeadCarpet to be entered into the AMC’s The Walking Dead Dead Carpet Sweepstakes for a chance to win a trip to L.A. to attend The Walking Dead premiere in 2015!
WEtv #BFV Watch Within Sweepstakes : Win Some Awesome Braxtons Swag !
Watch for the CodeWErd during new episodes of Braxton Family Values then enter the WEtv #BFV Watch Within Sweepstakes for a chance to win 1 of 25 WEtv Braxton Swag Bags !
CocaColaStore.com : Coca-Cola Store Sweepstakes – Win a Coca-Cola Prize Pack
SImply enter your email address at CocaColaStore.com weekly and be entered into the Coca-Cola Store Sweepstakes for a chance to win 1 of 14 Coca-Cola Prize Packs !
Goodyear Superior Performance Sweepstakes – Win a new Superior Performance Prize every month !
Enter the Goodyear Superior Performance Sweepstakes weekly for a chance to win a trip to attend a 2014-2015 regular-season professional football game, a trip to attend the 2015 college football Championship game, a trip to Bristol, CT to attend a tour of the ESPN Campus or a ride in one of the Goodyear Blimps !

So many Sweepstakes to enter! Keep up with the SweepstakesLovers daily email.
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