– Kellogg’s Power Up Instant Win Game
Eligibility : Open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 years of age or older.
Promotion Period : Prize claims must be submitted by 11:59:59 PM (ET) on 11/4/11.
Enter at:
Limit : If your specially-marked package contains a winning game piece inside, then you win a prize to be determined during the prize claim process
Prize (s):
Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty (2,650) Grand Prizes – A Nintendo DSi™* Portable Game System (ARV $170 ea./Odds 1:20,000).
Ten Thousand Six Hundred (10,600) First Prizes – A Nintendo* DS™* Game (ARV $20 – $35 ea./Odds 1:5,000).
Two Hundred Fifty One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty (251,750) Second Prizes – One Thousand (1,000) Nintendo DSi* Points™ (ARV $10 ea./Odds 1:211). Odds of winning a prize 1:200.
Winners : For names of winners, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope by 1/15/12 to: Kellogg’s Power Up Instant Win Game, Attn: Winner’s List, P.O. Box 7081, Kalamazoo, MI 49003-7081. Winner’s list to be available after 11/15/11.
Tags: Kellogg's Power Up Instant Win Game,
Comments (77 Messages)byron davis
A. Rodriguez
This must be some type of promotion for your sales personnel! Children are discourage by your actions come on ! STOP THE CON
my husband won we having the same problem the page doesnt give clear instruccion .
alana reed
yes, i do have a ?, i had tried to enter in to win a free nintendo dsi, but i had accidently marked in the wrong date of my birth, but i cannot seem to try it again. ANY HELP PLEASE!!!!! I REALLY WANT A NINTENDO DSI!
alxandrea mclain
a comment a comment this is not a comment at all
wow if i dont get my dsi ill tell every one not not to bey this anymore this is just stupid if i dont get my and look at the last sentace of the tiket [ nintendo is NOT a sponsor or a co- sponsor of this promotion ] so if found a way to get thing message me on x box 360 gamertag [ girlsgotxgame ] leve your way or just talk about this scam but this is not funny at all i was so happy and i read all of thes lettters and i bye RICE KRISPIES all the time its sad ; D girlsgotxgame out <3 u all
Veronica Richardson
I have a kelloggs nitendo ds but i dont know how to enter ds coupon code to see what prize i won
Veronica Richardson
I metb to say i have a you won coupon how do i enter the code
shenell Mejia Hamilton
How do I claim my prize?
I cant put in the code how do i do it they dont explain!!
go to start and at the top after u make one click start again then log in st the top then it will ask for the code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
medlin torrey
tried to register only allowed birth date and user info have a you won need to register code step number 2
jason d kirk
wat did i win
keenan stewart
yall should just stop doing it if your not going to let anyone win. i am 7 and was so excited to win ! thats just mean!
where in the hell am i supposed to put my freaking wining code im calling them
tengo un cupon ganador pero no encuentro el sitio para poder saber que es lo que me e ganado si me pueden ayudar es del cereal de kelloggs donde entro mi codigo muchas gracias
brenda henderson
I received a winning ticket in my cereal box. Would really like to redeem my prize for my nephew for Christmas. Everyone seems to be having trouble getting there prizes. Are you just not giving out the prize. Please let me know.
i can’t log in to get my prize
got the “you won” in the cereal. had trouble trying to get the code to work. just kept bringing me back to the main page. then changed the windows browser and it finally worked
Was using google chrome and switched over to firefox.
i can’t birth get on this it asked me for my birth date and i put it in and i got it right but it would not let me do it.
Armando Goodwin
I have a kellogg you won ; #KR9M3F1P564WON1, but on my computer it Freezes when i try to put my # in! Can u Help me? My Address is 1409 ST. Johns Pl. Apt.8 #8 BKLYN,NY.11213 PHONE# 347-789-3640
Ms. Frazier
How do u claim the prize. Why would put thos out there and it dont work.
Interesting how everyone has been having these problems. With Kellogg’s new promotion, where you collect points on boxes and enter them into your account to redeem prizes (and gas cards), I am having the EXACT SAME PROBLEMS WITH THIS COMPANY!! I had enough to redeem a couple gas cards, and the site recognized my email and password everytime I logged in to enter my points, but as soon as I filled out the form to redeem them, I could no longer log in, they didn’t recognize my user name or password, (never got my gas cards), and spent the past month getting run around by customer service via email. They’ve now told me to re-submit my question to customer service–the exact same form I filled out a month ago…what a scam!!!!
Cody Summers
I want you to give me my prize that you said I won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keyanna Musgrove
I want to knew where else I can collect my winning prize from?which store.
Jan Mansfield
NR51133M25887WO – Trying to redeem my instant coupon
Jan Mansfield
Unable to redeem coupon

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Sweepstakes winner code not working. Same results as everyone else!!