Looking For Teleflora Sweepstakes?
Discover all sweepstakes, giveaways, and contests that we have found for Teleflora Sweepstakes.
Teleflora’s Get A Room Sweepstakes: Win $25,000 for the ultimate man cave
Flowers for someone special. A dream room for you. What's not to love? Enter by gifting a bouquet from Teleflora's Get A Room Collection.
Teleflora’s Triple Play Sweepstakes
Enter the Teleflora's Triple Play Sweepstakes for a chance to win a three-day, two-night baseball journey for two to see two games, 1 of 10 autographed baseball jersey and two sets of tickets or 1 of 20 autographed baseball and one set of tickets !
Teleflora’s Rubies and Roses Sweepstakes
Win a 14 karat white gold ruby and diamond necklace worth $60,000, 1 of 100 14 karat white gold natural ruby and diamond heart-shaped pendant or 1 of 1,000 10 karat white gold created ruby and diamond pendant in the Teleflora's Rubies and Roses Sweepstakes

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