Ruffles Chips and Sips Sweepstakes

Now through August 20, 2017, participate into the Ruffles Chips and Sips Sweepstakes and you could win the ultimate Beer Vacation at the Oktoberfest in Denver, Colorado as well as exclusive beer gear.
To enter, visit and register using a Bag Code located below the “guaranteed fresh” statement on the front of any RUFFLES brand chips bag.
More About The Ruffles Chips and Sips Sweepstakes
The Sweepstakes is open only to legal residents of any of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, who are 21 years of age or older at the time of participation.
Sweepstakes begins at 12:00:00 p.m. (noon) CT on July 3, 2017 and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. CT on August 20, 2017.
Limit one entry per person/email address/household per day, regardless of entry method.
Grand Prizes (5): Trip for winner and one (1) guest to attend Oktoberfest in Denver, Colorado on winner’s choice of one (1) of the following weekends: September 22, 2017 – September 23, 2017 or September 29, 2017 – September 30, 2017. Trip consists of round-trip coach air transportation (from major airport nearest winner’s home) to Denver, Colorado, double-occupancy hotel accommodations for three (3) nights, festival admission for winner and his/her guest, and $1,000 spending money (awarded in the form of a check, payable to winner) which may be used towards ground transportation and/or meals. Approximate Retail Value of each Grand Prize: $4,400.00.
First Prizes (120): One (1) Ruffles branded Yeti Rambler. ARV: $56.00 each.
Second Prizes (160): One (1) soft-sided Igloo cooler with Ruffles branding. ARV: $52.75 each.
Third Prizes (75): One (1) $50.00 pre-paid debit card. ARV: $50.00 each.
Fourth Prizes (120): One (1) Ruffles branded Yeti Colster. ARV: $41.50 each.
Fifth Prizes (160): One (1) Ruffles branded microbrew glass. ARV: $13.50 each.
Sixth Prizes (168): One (1) Ruffles growler. ARV: $4.50 each.
Seventh Prizes (200): One (1) Ruffles branded can cooler. ARV: $1.25 each.
Total ARV of all prizes is $49,056.00.
Winners will be selected in a random drawing to be held on or about August 30, 2017 from among all eligible entries received by an independent judging organization whose decisions shall be final.
For a list of winners, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to be received by September 29, 2017 to: Ruffles Chips and Sips Sweepstakes Winner’s List, 10 South 5th Street, 7th Floor, Dept. 879-716, Minneapolis, MN 55402.d.
Sponsored by Frito-Lay, Inc. 7701 Legacy Drive, Plano, TX 75024-4099.
For complete details, including Official Rules, visit
Comments (1 Message)Nancy Cahill

So many Sweepstakes to enter! Keep up with the SweepstakesLovers daily email.
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I would love to win this sweepstakes!